Note: You can find the functions below in the module Control.Applicative.Logic (GitHub, Hackage).
The following is an exploration of a few functions I found while writing various Haskell programs over the years. Their names collide with some standard function in Prelude, which is unfortunate, and while the new functions cannot be used as drop-in replacements of the prelude functions, they are morally generalisations. Also, note that the order I present my insights here are almost the exact opposite of the order in which I “discovered” them. I say “discovered” because I am presumably not the first one to discover these as they are very general. In fact, some of them are already in the standard library (albeit under a different name).
tl;dr: Many functions involving booleans can be generalised to involve (Alternative f, Monoid a) => f a
We will start our exploration with a very inane observation. It is essentially the observation that 1+1=2, which every child discover some time before the age of five. As mentioned, this is the final “insight” I had, which tied all the pieces together.
Bool ≅ Maybe ()
There it is! The equality sign with the squiggle over it means “isomorphic” which is a fancy way of saying “is essentially the same as” which for Haskell types mean that there are translation functions back and forth which are mutual inverses. So, in theory, any place you use a Bool
you can use a Maybe ()
value. Just replace True
with Just ()
and False with Nothing
Digression: “Well, actually…” Alright, you clever little imp! I know what you want to say. Haskell semantics is Complicated™. And there are in fact differences between Bool
and Maybe ()
. For instance, Just undefined
does not really have a counterpart in Bool
. An “isomorphism” could map it to either undefined :: Bool
or True :: Bool
, but they are both in a sense taken. But if your program depends on the exact structure of non-total elements of Bool
, you deserve to live in the purgatory you have created.
is a fine type. Very useful. In fact, it gets special treatment in by the compiler. Only Bools can be used in if-expressions and guards. So, this is not a suggestion to replace Bool
with Maybe ()
if your program works well with Bool
. The purpose is rather to recognise that some of the things done to booleans can be done to other structures as well. And the core of this stems from how Maybe ()
consists of two parts: Maybe
which is an Applicative
, Alternative
functor and ()
which is a (admittedly trivial) Monoid
. We wil now take some of the well-known functions involving Bool
and bring them to this level of generality. Then by replacing Maybe
and ()
with other Applicative
, Alternative
functors and Monoids
, these functions will find new use cases.
Let us start by talking about disjunction, usually conceived as (||) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
. But there is a typeclass called Alternative
with an operator (<|>) :: (Alternative f) => f a -> f a -> f a
which works like disjunction when we apply it to Maybe ()
: We get Just () <|> _ = Just ()
(true or anything is true) and likewise _ <|> Just () = Just ()
and finally Nothing <|> Nothing = Nothing
(False or false is false). But the operator has many uses. For lists it is simply concatenation, and the operator is essential when writing parsers. The disjunctive unit (i.e. false) is called empty :: (Alternative f) => f a
This is well-trodden stuff. But I think it is nice to highlight. For instance, if you have something where you get a lot of Maybe-values, perhaps in a list, and you just want to pick the first just value, you can use or = foldr (<|>) empty
to convert [Maybe a] -> Maybe a
or :: (Foldable t, Alternative f) => t (f a) -> f a
or = foldr (<|>) empty
This is clearly a generalisation of or :: (Foldable t) => t Bool -> Bool
, but it is also a generalisation of concat :: [[a]] -> [a]
. In Control.Applicative
you will find this under the name asum
and it is very useful!
While disjunction is useful, the reason I often end up using or
to flatten something of type t (f b)
to f b
is because I first had t a
and a predicate a -> f b
. So, let us combine those two steps into a single, beautiful function:
any :: (Alternative f, Foldable t) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f b
any = ($ empty) . foldr . ((<|>) .)
A very simple usage of this function is to convert from any foldable structure to any alternative functor using any pure
. For instance a x <- any pure (Map.lookup i m)
in a do-block will lookup a value in a map and rewrap it into your current monad (as long as it is Alternative). In fact any pure
is a general conversion function which can convert from any of these:
Set a
Map k a
Maybe a
Either e a
to any of these:
IO a
Maybe a
Either e a
(for e
a Monoid)STM a
Parser a
(For some reasonable Parser
monad)Apropos the last entry in that list, any string ["foo","bar","bat"]
is a parser which matches any of the words in the list. Over in ConcurrencyLand, any readTChan [chan0,chan1,chan2]
will read the first value arriving in any of the three channels.
> import Control.Applicative.Logic (any)
ghci> import Control.Monad (forever)
ghci> import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
ghci> import Control.Concurrent.STM
ghci> import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
> -- Create the channels
ghci> chan0 <- newTChanIO :: IO (TChan String)
ghci> chan1 <- newTChanIO :: IO (TChan String)
ghci> chan2 <- newTChanIO :: IO (TChan String)
ghci> -- Create a thread reading from any chan:
ghci> forkIO $ forever
ghci$ atomically (readTChan `any` [chan0,chan1,chan2])
>>= putStrLn
ThreadId 689
> -- Now we can write to any of the channels:
ghci> atomically $ writeTChan chan1 "Foo"
> atomically $ writeTChan chan0 "Bar"
> atomically $ writeTChan chan2 "Baz"
The moral is that you can use this generalised any
in many places where the word any would fall natural to use informally.
Having gone on and on about disjuntion, I should talk about conjunction. There might some wiggle room for what notion of conjunction best fits, but my experience from a lot of examples suggest that the following is practical:
(&&) :: (Applicative f, Monoid a)
=> f a -> f a -> f a
&&) = liftA2 (<>) (
Why Monoid? The idea is that &&
combines two generalised truth values. The a
argument to f
represents evidence of truth (say, a set of solutions, or results from a search or something). Thus, if a conjunction is true we must take into account the evidence from both sides. One option would be to instead use liftA2 (,) :: f a -> f b -> f (a,b)
, in a kind I-know-Curry–Howard way. But that will not really generalise to a function similar to any
, where we collect evidence from a whole structure of elements. Thus, the Monoid alternative seems more useful in practice.
You can probably imagine uses for &&
yourself, so let us get off the ground by defining and
and :: (Foldable t, Applicative f, Monoid a)
=> t (f a) -> f a
and = foldr (&&) (pure mempty)
As you can see pure mempty
is the new True
, otherwise only the type signature changed from the Bool definition. But what can we do with it? Let us start with a combinatorics example: Say we want to generate all sentences of the form “Harry/Sue loves/hates kale/honey”. Here is a solution:
ghci> all putStrLn $ and [["Harry","Sue"], [" "]
,["loves","hates"],[" "]
,["kale","honey"], ["."]]
Harry loves kale.
Harry loves honey.
Harry hates kale.
Harry hates honey.
Sue loves kale.
Sue loves honey.
Sue hates kale.
Sue hates honey.
Alright, I could not resist sneaking in an early “all”s in that. Stay tuned for it the next subsection, but ignore it for the moment, and let us focus on “and”. This example is standard list monad stuff, but the and
function lets us easily generate combinations from lists of alternatives.
We have already seen one use of the generalised all
, namely applying an IO function to every element of a list: all print [1..10]
. But there already exists plenty of functions doing that. Can we do something else? Just pick your faviourite Applicative and start experimenting. Picking STM for instance, we can wait until a moment when all channels have something ready and get that using all ((singleton <$>) . readTChan) [chan0,chan1,chan2] :: STM [a]
. Or for IO
one can all readFile :: [FilePath] -> IO String
to read list of files into a single string.
all :: (Applicative f, Monoid b, Foldable t)
=> (a -> f b) -> t a -> f b
all = ($ pure mempty) . foldr . ((&&) .)
Notice that guard :: (Alternative f) => Bool -> f ()
converts a standard bool to an applicative truth value. Hence all guard :: (Alternative f, Foldable t) => t Bool -> f ()
can be used where one would use and
normally. For instance, here is a function which checks if a list is sorted:
ascending :: (Alternative f, Ord b) => [b] -> f ()
= all guard $ zipWith (<=) l (tail l) ascending l
Here is a simple example where you can see a few usages of the applicative logic functions in context. It is simply a game of tic-tac-toe, but it demonstrates a few usages and the general intuition of any
, or
, all
, and
and convert
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import Prelude hiding (any, all, or)
import Control.Applicative.Logic (any, all, or, convert)
-- Game data
data Mark = X | O
deriving (Eq,Show)
type Position = (Integer,Integer)
type Board = Map Position Mark
isValidMove :: Board -> Position -> Bool
= 0 <= x && x <= 2
isValidMove board (x,y) && 0 <= y && y <= 2
&& null (Map.lookup (x,y) board)
-- All positions on the board
allPositions :: [Position]
= liftA2 (,) [0..2] [0..2]
-- Make a move on the board
move :: Board -> Position -> Mark -> Maybe Board
= guard (isValidMove board pos)
move board pos m $> Map.insert pos m board
-- Verify who has won
won :: Board -> Maybe Mark
= any filled streaks where
won board -- Generate all streaks
= do
streaks <- allPositions
x <- filter (x<) allPositions
y <- filter (y<) allPositions
check [x,y,z]pure [x,y,z]
-- Check that three positions form a streak
= do
check l mod (sum (fst <$> l)) 3 == 0)
guard (mod (sum (snd <$> l)) 3 == 0)
guard (snd <$> l) <|> decending (snd <$> l)
ascending (-- Verify that a player has filled a streak
= do
filled streak <- traverse (`Map.lookup` board) streak
marks <- any pure marks
m all (guard . (==m)) marks
pure m
-- Utility functions
= all guard $ zipWith (<=) l (tail l)
ascending l = all guard $ zipWith (>=) l (tail l)
decending l
-- Game playing logic
main :: IO ()
= gameLoop X (Map.empty :: Board)
gameLoop :: Mark -> Board -> IO ()
= do
gameLoop currentMark board putStrLn "Current board:"
printBoard boardor
do mark <- convert (won board)
[ putStrLn $ "Player " ++ show mark ++ " wins!"
== 9) *> putStrLn "It's a draw!"
, guard (Map.size board == X) *> moveIO board X userMove
, guard (currentMark >>= gameLoop O
== O) *> moveIO board O computerMove
, guard (currentMark >>= gameLoop X ]
moveIO :: Board -> Mark -> (Board -> IO Position) -> IO Board
= do
moveIO board mark play <- play board
convert (move board pos mark)<|> (do putStrLn "Position not in range!"
moveIO board mark play)
userMove :: Board -> IO Position
= do
userMove board putStrLn "Enter your move (row column):"
<- getLine
input case words input >>= reads :: [(Integer,String)] of
""),(y,"")] -> pure (x,y)
[(x,-> do
_ putStrLn "Invalid input, please use the format 'row column'."
userMove board
randomValidMove :: Board -> IO Position
= do
randomValidMove board let validMoves = filter (isValidMove board) allPositions
<- randomRIO (0, length validMoves - 1)
idx pure $ validMoves !! idx
computerMove :: Board -> IO Position
= do
computerMove board <- randomValidMove board
pos putStrLn $ "Computer places " ++ show O ++ " at " ++ show pos
pure pos
printBoard :: Board -> IO ()
printBoard board= all putStrLn [ unwords [ maybe "." show
$ Map.lookup (x,y) board
| y <- [0..2]]
| x <- [0..2]]
Let me highlight a few usages of applicative logical function in the above code. The first and most striking part is the check-if-board-is-won function:
won :: Board -> Maybe Mark
= any filled streaks won board
This uses Maybe Mark
as a proof-relevant truth value for any
. Instead of just True
when the board is won we get Just X
or Just O
, depending on which player won. And the code simply says that the board is won if there are any filled streaks (of three board positions in a row).
filled :: [Position] -> Maybe Mark
= do
filled streak <- traverse (`Map.lookup` board) streak
marks <- any pure marks
m all (guard . (==m)) marks
pure m
The filled
function uses both any
and and
to check that a list of board possitions are filled with the same mark. First it uses traverse
to check that all the positions of streak
are filled with something on the current boar and collects them in a list. Then m <- any pure marks
picks out the first mark of the streak and all (guard . (==m)) marks
verifies that the remaining marks of the streak are all the same.
While it does not use any of the applicative logic functions directly, the code for generating all streaks is a nice example of thinking of applicative values as propositions:
streaks :: [[Position]]
= do
streaks <- allPositions
x <- filter (x<) allPositions
y <- filter (y<) allPositions
check [x,y,z]pure [x,y,z]
This all happens in do-syntax for lists, and the first three lines are self-explanatory. The check
function however is a predicate which checks if three positions form a streak (are in a row on the board). It is converted from Bool
with heavy usage of guards:
= do
check l mod (sum (fst <$> l)) 3 == 0)
guard (mod (sum (snd <$> l)) 3 == 0)
guard (snd <$> l) <|> decending (snd <$> l) ascending (
Over in the IO part of the program, there is an interesting pattern:
gameLoop :: Mark -> Board -> IO ()
= do
gameLoop currentMark board putStrLn "Current board:"
printBoard boardor
do mark <- convert (won board)
[ putStrLn $ "Player " ++ show mark ++ " wins!"
== 9) *> putStrLn "It's a draw!"
, guard (Map.size board == X) *> moveIO board X userMove
, guard (currentMark >>= gameLoop O
== O) *> moveIO board O computerMove
, guard (currentMark >>= gameLoop X ]
I am not sure this is actually a sane way do conditionals in IO
, but it works. The or [⋯]
part is interesting because it attempts to execute the elements of the list in order and stops once one of the steps succeeds. So, for instance:
do mark <- convert (won board)
putStrLn $ "Player " ++ show mark ++ " wins!"
Will fail if no player has won yet. The Applicative.Logic.convert
function converts the Maybe Mark
into IO Mark
, throwing an exception on Nothing
, so the putStrLn
part will only run if someone actually won. Otherwise, it will continue with checking for a draw, or letting one of the players move.
The move :: Board -> Position -> Mark -> Maybe Board
function integrates the check of validity with the updating of the board. In the IO part again we use convert
(aka any pure
) to get an IO
value of the updated board, and use disjunction for error handling:
moveIO :: Board -> Mark -> (Board -> IO Position) -> IO Board
= do
moveIO board mark play <- play board
convert (move board pos mark)<|> (do putStrLn "Position not in range!"
moveIO board mark play)
The final little bit of niceness is to use all
instead of mapM_
to print each row of the board on a separate line:
printBoard :: Board -> IO ()
printBoard board= all putStrLn [ unwords [ maybe "." show
$ Map.lookup (x,y) board
| y <- [0..2]]
| x <- [0..2]]
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