Stockholm 2019
The password is long.
The password is “long”.
“Every function is computable.”
“For every function ℕ → ℕ there is a Kleene-index computing the function”
“For every function ℕ → ℕ there is a term in λ-calculus computing the function”
_↝_ : Λ’ X → Λ’ X → Set
denotes reduction relation on λ’-terms.We will consider “type theory” in this talk to mean dependent type theory with
,Λ,Λ’,↝Ways to express variables and substitution:
The following representation is due to Bird and Paterson.
data Λ (X : Set) : Set where
var : X → Λ X
л : Λ (X + T) → Λ X
app : Λ X → Λ X → Λ X
л (var (right ∗))
л (var (left ∗))
л (л (var (left (right ∗))))
The translation to de Bruijn indices is simply that right ∗
corresponds to the index 0 and left x
is x + 1
data Λ (X : Set) : Set where
var : X → Λ X
л : Λ (X + T) → Λ X
app : Λ X → Λ X → Λ X
Using this representation it is easy to:
_↝_ : Λ X → Λ X → Set
.λ’-calculus extends λ-calculus with a new binder:
data Λ’ (X : Set) : Set where
var : X → Λ’ X
л : Λ’ (X + T) → Λ’ X
app : Λ’ X → Λ’ X → Λ’ X
_’_ : (n : ℕ) → Λ (X + Fin n) → Λ X
[x y]’(x y)
, or 1 ’ (var (right ∗))
, or 0 ’ (var (left ∗))
, or л (0 ’ (var (left (right ∗))))
, or 0 ’ (л (var (right ∗)))
[x y]’(x y)
, or 2 ’ (app (var (right ∗)) ())
ZERO ≔ λfx.x
SUCC ≔ λn.λfx.f(nx)
This can be used to build a function c : ℕ → Λ ⊥
in type theory.
(X → X) → (X → X)
iterate : ℕ → (X → X) → (X → X)
is an instance of the elimination principle for ℕ in type theory.From Martin-Löf type theory: Induction principle for ℕ:
x:ℕ ⊢ P x type
⊢ c₀ : P z
x:ℕ,y:P(x) ⊢ c₁ : P (s n)
──────────────────────────── ℕ-ELIM
x : ℕ ⊢ elim-ℕ P x c₀ c₁ : P x
Computation rules:
⊢ elim-ℕ P z c₀ c₁ ≡ c₀
⊢ elim-ℕ P (s n) c₀ c₁ ≡ c₁ n (elim-ℕ P n c₀ c₁)
This inspires the following:
ZERO ≔ λc₀c₁. c₀
SUCC ≔ λn.λc₀c₁. c₁ n (n c₀ c₁)
Which gets the computation rules by β-reduction:
ZERO c₀ c₁ ↝ c₀
(SUCC n) c₀ c₁ ↝ c₁ n (n c₀ c₁)
This way of encoding extends to many inductive types.
data Λ (X : Set) : Set where
var : X → Λ X
л : Λ (X + ⊤) → Λ X
app : Λ X → Λ X → Λ X
Which inspires the following the representation of λ-calculus in λ-calculus:
VAR = λx. v l a. v x
LAM = λt. v l a. l t (t v l a)
APP = λt u.v l a. a t u (t v l a) (u v l a)
The definition we had of terms in Λ’ gives a similar representation
data Λ’ (X : Set) : Set where
var : X → Λ’ X
л : Λ’ (X + T) → Λ’ X
app : Λ’ X → Λ’ X → Λ’ X
_’_ : (n : ℕ) → Λ (X + Fin n) → Λ X
VAR ≔ λx. v l a q. v x
LAM ≔ λt. v l a q. l t (t v l a q)
APP ≔ λt u. v l a q. a t u (t v l a q) (u v l a q)
QUOTE ≔ λ n t. v l a q. q n t (t v l a q)
Notice: No quotes are used to represent terms.
A quote will only be encoding variables which it has bound:
n ’ (var (right x)) ↝ VAR (r x)
Example: We have [x]’x ↝ VAR ZERO
but []’x
does not reduce.
Informally, we want, whenever x
does not occur in v:
v ’ (λx.t) ↝ LAM (x·v ’ t)
Formally, we need to do some variable yoga:
associate : Λ ((X + Fin n) + ⊤) → Λ (X + Fin (succ n))
And we get:
n ’ (л t) ↝ app LAM ((succ n) ’ associate f)
[]’(λx.x) ↝ LAM ([x] ’ x)
It would be tempting to have:
v ’ (t u) ↝ APP (v’t) (v’u)
But, that would break confluence when rewriting under quotes:
We would have both:
[y]’((λx.x)y) ↝ APP (LAM (VAR ZERO)) (VAR ZERO)
[y]’((λx.x)y) ↝ [y]’y ↝ VAR ZERO
However, this is safe, whenever the head of t
is a variable in v
v ’ (t u) ↝ APP (v’t) (v’u)
Formally: When head t = right k
for some k : Fin n
, we have
n ’ (app t u) ↝ APP (n’t) (n’u)
Finally, we must also be careful when quoting quotes:
t : Λ(⊥+Fin(n))
the closed term n ’ t : Λ ⊥
reduces to a normal (quote-free) λ-term.Proof-sketch of 2: By induction on t
: we have given rules reducing X’t
for each head normal form t
could have. Each computation rule applies ’
only to subterms of t
Some quoted terms do not normalise:
Z = [f]’((λx. f (x x)) (λx. f (x x)))
has the property that
PAIR = λa b.λp. p a b
for Σ-types.REFL = λx.λp.p x
for Id
-types etcConsistency of type theory can be proven from:
⊢ a : A
then a
is canonical.Given a function φ : ℕ → ℕ
in the meta-theory, how do we extend type theory with it?
, and a rule giving ⊢ f : ℕ → ℕ
breaks canonicity.But adding a new constant x:ℕ ⊢ f(x) : ℕ
does not, if…
we also add (for each n : ℕ
in the meta theory) a computation rule:
cf(N[n]) ≡ N[φ n]
where N[n]=sⁿz
is the numeral representation of n
in type theory.
How much does type theory know about the new constant f
x:ℕ,y:ℕ , p : x ≤ y ⊢ f(x) ≤ f(y)
.But we can add:
x:ℕ,y:ℕ , p : x ≤ y ⊢ monf x y p : f(x) ≤ f(y)
And computation rules, which computes monf N[n] N[m] p
to a witness for every n and m (from our meta-theory).
Quoting could be done in several ways:
This approach falls into 2.
We first extend our type theory with the rule:
Γ·Δ ⊢ a : A
─────────────── QUOTE
Γ ⊢ Q(Δ)a : Λ(Fin ∥Δ∥)
⊢ Q(x:ℕ)x : Λ (⊥+1)
x:ℕ ⊢ Q()x : Λ 0
⊢ (λ(x:A) → Q()x) : A → Λ ⊥
Now, using the representation we discussed, we add rules to compute Q
This is straight forward for canonical terms:
Q(Δ)(zero) ≡ zero
Q(Δ)(succ n) ≡ app SUCC (Q(Δ) n)
Q(Δ)(λ(x:A)t) ≡ л (Q(Δ,x:A)t)
But for eliminators we must make sure that the head of the principle argument is a variable bound by the quote:
Q(Δ)(elim-ℕ P n c₀ c₁)
≡ app (Q(Δ)n) (Q(Δ)c₀) (Q(Δ,x:ℕ,p:P(x))c₁)
is only added when the head of n
is a variable in Δ.
Once we have added rules for each term former, it is straight-forward to show that if ⊢ a : A
and a
is normal in the extended theory it reduces to a term of canonical form.
The quote operation provides a candidate q
, given f : ℕ → ℕ
namely Q(x:ℕ)(f x)
Here is such a further substitution rule:
Δ,x:A ⊢ t(x) : B(x) Δ ⊢ a:A
────────────────────────────────────── Q-SUBST
(Q(Δ,x:A)t(x)) [Q(Δ)a] ↝ Q(Δ)t(a)
By induction one can show that r n = Q()n
So given f : ℕ → ℕ
, we let q ≔ Q(x:ℕ)(f x)
, and must prove q [r n] ↝ r (f n)
q [r n] = q [Q()n]
≡ Q(x:ℕ)(f x)[Q()n]
↝ Q()(f n)
= r (f n)
The reduction step uses Q-SUBST
and proving normalisation and canonicity for these.
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